A little Christmas present from us to you
We had quite a bit of fun putting together this video version of Davide Cali and Eric Heliot’s popular Christmas tale, Santa’s Suit. Feel free to share.
We had quite a bit of fun putting together this video version of Davide Cali and Eric Heliot’s popular Christmas tale, Santa’s Suit. Feel free to share.
Delighted to note that Readers Feast, one of Melbourne’s best bookshops, is re-opening in the old Georges site in Collins Street.
Join us at Gasworks Arts Park this Saturday 19th for the opening of the Inaugural Children’s Story Exhibition from 11am – 1pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
I did a lot of work at the Frankfurt Book Fair this year, and had a lot fun. Apart from meeting with some terrific international publishers and rights agents, I also had the chance to write about the fair for two of the book trade’s must-read publications, ‘Publishing Perspectives’ and Australia’s ‘Bookseller+Publisher’.
We’ve just changed the design, of ‘theme’ of our blog to something a little cleaner. What do you think?
Wilkins Farago is now an official Partner of the National Year of Reading 2012
Andrew Wilkins is reporting live from the Frankfurt Book Fair for Publishing Perspectives. He promised to tweet, but even better – we have video blog! Catch Andrew in action with his first blog here.
Wilkins Farago’s Andrew Wilkins is at this week’s Frankfurt Book Fair.
Where have all Melbourne’s bookshops gone? According to our modest study, Melbourne’s CBD has lost around 30% of its bookshops in just 13 years.
Win a book and limited edition poster: a little competition to celebrate the publication of Sebastian Meschenmoser’s delightful antidote to fairy stories, 3 wishes for Pugman.
Imagine all the books you read coming from the same types of publishers, authors and cultures. Bibliodiversity … is about encouraging more variety in publishing and more publishers, lest we simply leave it to the large British, US, Spanish and German multinationals that bestride the book world like colossi.
Wilkins Farago’s Andrew Wilkins writes for international book journal Publishing Perspectives on the joys of shopping for children’s books at international book fairs.
We had a great time at Saturday’s Children’s Book Market at Melbourne’s Federation Square. As well as selling a few books, we got the chance to talk to a lot of members of the public and get their (overwhelmingly positive) feedback on our books.
Wilkins Farago will be at the special children’s book market this Saturday at Melbourne’s Federation Square. Come and say hello.
This Saturday 20 August is National Bookshop Day across Australia.
Across Australia, school kids are gearing up for the last weeks of the various state Reading Challenges.
We recently attended Australian Writers’ Week in Beijing, China – here are some snaps.
If you have kids who love reading and live in Melbourne, Ballarat or Geelong, then you’ve got something to do on the morning of Sunday 10 April 2011: The Big Read!
There’s a short animated Spanish language film of David Cali and Anna Laura Cantone’s ‘A Dad Who Measure Up’. Click to have a look.
On my last trip to PNG, I drove past a brightly painted shipping container in the suburb of Six Mile in PNG’s capital Port Moresby. On the outside were the words Buk Bilong Pikinini Library—PNG pidgin for ‘Children’s Book Library’.
Food, wine and shopping all in the name of a great cause. What better way to spend a Friday night in Melbourne?
One of our favourite illustrators, Serge Bloch, has contributed the piece below for a special exhibition in New York.
Buy a Wilkins Farago book online before Mother’s Day and we’ll give 20% of the proceeds to breast cancer research.
Join Andrew Wilkins of Wilkins Farago and other SPUNC members at the Victorian Writers Centre for a panel discussion on Small Press and Magazine Publishers, 31 March 2010.
Learn how publishers do sales and marketing.
‘It is impossible to conceive of a future Australian education system that does not take the study of Asia seriously.’
Just returned from this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair. It’s the world’s largest and an important fair for Wilkins Farago.