iPad owners: ’10 Little Insects’ ebook now on iTunes!

Davide Cali and Vincent Pianina

A special treat for iPad owners: the award-winning 10 Little Insects is now available from the Apple iTunes store as an iPad-friendly ebook!

To celebrate, the book’s illustrator, Vincent Pianina, has produced this uncanny portrait of himself (on the right) with co-creator Davide Cali. Love it.

Until now, the ebook revolution has largely excluded illustrated books, because they need colour reproduction (most e-readers reproduce in black and white only) and the illustrations and text are part of a single design. The iPad with its quality colour screen gives us a chance to create a fully illustrated ebook.

We had a lot of fun creating the ebook with Andrew Farrell of Dennis Jones & Associates, using a fixed-width ebook format that makes illustrated books look ‘just great’ on an iPad (as Steve Jobs might have said).

10 Little Insects - Davide Cali & Vincent Pianina
Australian iPad owners can download the ebook here.

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