‘You’ll laugh, sigh, giggle and be challenged’: Digital Orthodoxy

An enthusiastic review of Davide Cali and Anna Laura Cantone’s What is this thing called love? from Darren Wright at Digital Orthodoxy, which is a terrific resource for those looking for kids books with substance:

Together with her family Emma begins a search for Love, you’ll laugh, sigh, giggle and be challenged by the questions she asks and the beautifully honest answers her family gives her.

Darren also makes some general comments about our rising star, Davide Cali:

Davide Cali’s stories are beautifully written, innovative, simply structured, deep and touching tales, A Dad Who Measures Up (also written by Cali and illustrated by Cantone) had me at hello while The Enemy and The Bear With The Sword show a different side to Cali’s talent and the power of picture books.

Encouragingly, he also suggests the book isn’t just for kids:

I read this to a few adults over a fortnight ago and it’s already been used in two weddings, I hope I get the book back soon …

If you’d like a special gift-wrapped hardcover copy of What is this thing called love? for a wedding gift, drop us a line.