What type of chocolate-eater are you?
In May last year Victorian CBCA president Jo Goodman interviewed our author Davide Cali for Magpies magazine, in a cute little cafe in Eltham.
One of the books they talked about was Davide’s story I Like Chocolate illustrated by Evelyn Daviddi. We thought, with Easter fast approaching, and all the chocolate day dreaming going on … you’d enjoy this part of the interview:
I Like Chocolate is an enticing title, and the preponderance of chocolate colours is relieved by the illustrator’s choice of coloured backgrounds. It’s a fun book, so I couldn’t resist asking Davide which is his favourite chocolate – the answer is bitter black, although he pops in some white for a change. As to the type of chocolate-eater he is, he told me he discovered the pleasures of the Well-Mannered Nibble whilst researching, but after a couple of weeks reverted to The Production Line (you really must see the pictures to appreciate these).
An aspect of the illustrations in his book that is of vital concern to him is to check the expressions in the eyes of the characters – in this book they all needed to be changed to achieve the effect he wanted. He is amused that for the Egyptian edition the mother had to be redrawn flat-chested!
– Interview by Jo Goodman, ‘Know the Author Davide Cali‘, Magpies Volume 27.
If you like to sign up for this excellent industry publication visit the Magpies website here.
If you LIKE Wilkins Farago Facebook page before midnight on Easter Sunday you will also be entered into a prize draw to win this exceptional Easter book bundle: a signed copy of I Like Chocolate, a poster from our new book The Little Eskimo (also by Davide) and some delicious Easter chocolates from Monsieur Truffe (our most loyal stockist of I Like Chocolate).