Illustrator of The Red Piano, Stephane-Yves Barroux was born in Paris, France, and grew up in North Africa. He came back to France to study photography, art, sculpture, and architecture at the famous art schools, Ecole Estienne and Ecole Boule, for several years.
He went on to work as an art director in Paris, Montreal and New York. He also worked as a press illustrator for numerous papers such as the New York Times, Washington Postand Forbes magazine.
Barroux is now well known for his illustrations for children’s books, both in France and the USA. Driven by his love of colors and fantasy, Barroux works on his illustrations traditionally, using linocut, acrylic painting, lead pencil, and collage.
In 2005 he received Switzerland’s prestigious Enfantaisie Award for Uncle John and the Giant Cherry Tree.
Visit Barroux’s personal website
Books by Barroux
- The Red Piano