Australian parenting methods now available to Chinese speakers

The Chinese language edition of John Cheetham's "Grow Up!"

SOMETIMES YOU GET something in the post that isn’t a bill or an unsolicited manuscript. This week we got a box from Taiwan containing a very pleasant surprise: the first Chinese language edition of John Cheetham’s popular parenting manual, Grow Up! How to raise an adult by being one yourself.

The book is published by PCUSER, a division of Cite Publishing in Taipei, which will sell the book in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

John Cheetham has a special place in our hearts as he was our first author. He sadly died in 2009, shortly after the release of the second Australian edition of Grow Up!. I know he would have been thrilled to think that his inspiring, down-to-earth approach to parenting would be used in other countries.

‘We can now look forward to a generation of well brought up Taiwanese,’ he might have exclaimed over a cappuccino.